Hello there! In the number 906.7, 7 is in the first place to the right of the decimal point. Because of this, we know that it is in the tenths place (not the tens). Anything to the right of the decimal points is less than a whole until it equals up to 1.0. In this number, these are the values of all of the digits:
• 9 has a value of 900 and is in the hundreds place
• 0, despite being in the tens place, has a value of 0
• 6 has a value of 6 and is in the ones place
• 7 has a value of 0.7, 70%, or 7/10 because it is one place to the right of the decimal point and is therefore not a full number
The digit of 7 in 906.7 is 7/10. If you need additional help, let me know and I will gladly assist you.