Social systems morality
Step-by-step explanation:
Moral Development
This is simply refered to as the alterations or changes in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in terms of standards of right and wrong. Its intrapersonal dimension is to monitor an indo activities when she or he is not engaged in social interaction and also monitors social interactions and arbitrates conflict
Kohlberg's Theory
There are Six stages of moral development. The development from one stage to another stage is geared by opportunities to take the opinions of others and to experience conflict between one's current stage of moral thinking and the reasoning of someone at a higher stage.
Social systems morality
This is the fourth stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development. In this stage, moral views or judgments are based on understanding the social order, law, justice, and duty. For example: adolescents may reason that in order for a group or community to work effectively, it needs to be protected by laws that are obeyed to by its member/people.