Its true!!
Step-by-step explanation:
Actually the haemoglobin molecule consists of 2 parts, the haem which is a prosthetic group and the other globin which is a protein. So the haemoglobin as is a protein so, is arranged in quaternary structure of protein which contains 4 subunits. The subunits depend upon the organism whose haemoglobin is being talked about. So the normal haemoglobin found in red blood cells contains 2 alpha subunits + 2 beta subunits. At the centre of each subunit there is the haem part attached. To the centre of haem the Fe3+ ion are present which actually attaches to 1 Oxygen molecule. So as 4 subunits are present and each subunit has 1 Fe3+ ion, so total 4 Oxygen molecules can bind to the 1 Hb molecule!!