Answer and Explanation:
Desdemona and Othello are the main characters in Shakespeare's tragic play "Othello". They fall in love and marry in secret, knowing well that eloping is necessary for the two to ever be together.
Othello is a Moor, which means he is originally from the north of the African continent and a Muslim. He had a rough childhood and grew up to become a brave soldier. Suffering has been a constant in his life, as well as violence. He has fought several battles and been promoted for his successes and victories. His stories about his past and his battles are what draw Desdemona in. Unlike Othello, Desdemona belongs to the Italian nobility. She has had an easier life, has seen no battles, and maybe gone through a different kind of suffering as a woman. But, even though their backgrounds are so different, she can empathize with Othello. She cries when listening to his stories and he comforts her, which is what brings them closer. His difficult life and her kind heart are a perfect combination. The lines below, from Act 1 Scene 3, serve as evidence:
OTHELLO: Would Desdemona seriously incline.
But still the house affairs would draw her hence,
Which ever as she could with haste dispatch,
She’d come again, and with a greedy ear
Devour up my discourse, which I, observing,
Took once a pliant hour and found good means
To draw from her a prayer of earnest heart
DESDEMONA: I saw Othello’s visage in his mind,
And to his honors and his valiant parts
Did I my soul and fortunes consecrate.