Solution :
The unexpected earnings is the term used to address the difference between the actual earning of the company for a period as well as the expected earnings for the period. The financial analyst make a mathematical as well as a financial models of the company earnings from the other accounting periods. The unexpected aspect of the earnings also means the price of the stock that can price up of fall dramatically over the course of the day.
For Q3 2004 2003
Net reported income 82M (70M)
Expected earnings (27M)
Unexpected earnings 55M
Thus we consider the earnings excluding the low persistence items. The low persistence items do not included the sinte there is no continuity or durability of the earnings currently, as they can vary on the large scale.
Also we are given company beta was 0.779 which indicates less volatility. Even though the stock price went up from 0.59 to 0.79, the difference can be considered as the unexpected earnings.
increase per share.