How to calculate a percentage
The formula is a common strategy to calculate a percentage:
Percentage is (Value/Total Value)×100
Here are three steps to calculate a percentage:
1. Determine the total amount of what you want to find the percentage
You need to determine the total amount first. For example, if you want to calculate the percentage of days it rained in a month, you would use the number of days in that month as the total amount. For this calculation, you want to evaluate the number of days it rained in April’s 30 days.
2. Divide the number to determine the percentage
Using the example above, you determined it rained 15 of the 30 days in April. You divide 15 by 30, which equals 0.5.
15 / 30 = 0.5
3. Multiply the value by 100
Continuing with the above example, you would multiply 0.5 by 100. This equals 50, which would give you the answer of 50%. So, in April, it rained 50% of the time.