The act I’ve chosen to act upon was give an unexpected compliment. Before I felt like saying what I said was that giving people compliments sometimes can make someone’s day because they might be having a bad day, doesn’t feel confident of themselves, feeling gender, or they just really needed it. They way I did my act of kindness was by going up to someone I don’t know and just complimenting them by saying something nice. The way this person reacted when I told them that, they felt happy and flattered after I complimented them. Finally, after it was completed, I understood why kindness matter. The way I felt was good because it’s always good to say something nice to someone because you never know what they’re going through. Last, but definitely not least! I think that kindness is really important because complimenting someone can make them feel all sorts of ways like: happy, flattered, admired, praised, etc.. and make sure to never say something mean cause a lot of people can take that seriously and can effect them a lot.