Since a dealer of electric oven sold an induction heater at Rs. 4,200 with 13% VAT to a retailer, and the retailer added transportation cost of Rs. 250, profit 15% and local tax Rs. 150 and sold it to a costumer, To determine how much will be paid for that heater if the consumer has to pay 13% VAT, the following calculation must be performed:
((4,200 x 1.13) x 1.15 + 250 + 150) x 1.13 = X
((4,746 x 1.15) + 250 + 150) x 1.13 = X
(5,457.9 + 400) x 1.13 = X
5,857.9 x 1.13 = X
6,619.42 = X
Thus, the price to be paid by the consumer will be $ 6,619.42.