Step 1: Divide 142 by 596;
The first step is to divide the numerator of this problem by the denominator. The numerator, in this case, is 142 and the denominator is 596. Here is the equation for this operation:
142/596 = 142 ÷ 596 = 0.23825503355705
Step 2: Multiply 0.23825503355705 by 100
The second step is to multiply the result of step 1 by 100. This will turn our original answer into a percentage. This is the final answer to the problem. Here is the equation for:
0.23825503355705 × 100 = 23.83
Step 3: Round 23.83 to the nearest tenth
To round 23.83 to the nearest tenth consider the hundredths’ value of 23.83, which is 3 and less than 5. Therefore, the tenths value of 23.83 remains 8.
23.83 rounded to the nearest tenth = 23.8%