Isabella, do you know how to do the "elementary row operations"?
Also, when did they begin teaching linear algebra in H.S. :DDD nice work getting there.
Gauss Jordan, just mean get your matrix in RREF (Reduced Row Echelon Form)
I suggest using Matlab to do this. it's got the "RREF(x) function to do this exact thing.
Your teacher probably wants you to do this by hand. thou, huh. :/
here is my Matlab code and the answer
close all
format compact
A=[3 -4 2;0 -1 7]
A =
3 -4 2
0 -1 7
mymatx =
1.0000 0 -8.6667
0 1.0000 -7.0000
Yes, maybe it's totally cheating, but it seems fair nowadays to use technology that is commonly available. :)
So answer A) looks right