Final answer:
The questions are determined to be biased, unbiased, and biased respectively. The sample in question is biased.
Step-by-step explanation:
1) The question 'What kind of healthy toppings do you like on pizza?' can be considered unbiased as it does not favor any particular answer. It allows for a variety of responses.
2) The question 'If money was not an issue, where would you most like to go on vacation?' can be considered unbiased as it does not impose any limitations or preferences. It allows respondents to freely express their desired vacation destinations.
3) The question 'You want to find out how much time people in your town spend doing volunteer work. You call 100 homes (not cell phones) in the community during the day. Of those surveyed, 85% are over the age of 65.' creates bias in the survey results because it predominantly includes responses from individuals over the age of 65. This age group may not be representative of the entire population in terms of volunteer work.
4) The sample in question is biased. By asking only students taking AP Physics and AP Calculus if Integrated 3 was difficult, the sample does not represent the entire math class. This sample excludes students who are not taking those advanced courses, potentially skewing the results.