Final answer:
The word 'defend' consists of the prefix 'de-' and the root 'fend', indicating protection against something. In English philology, changes like palatalization and assimilation of prefixes can affect word spellings. Examples include 'disgestion' from 'dis+gest+ion' and the transformation of 'gallery+i+es' to 'galleries'.
Step-by-step explanation:
The word defend can be broken down into the prefix 'de-' and the base or root 'fend', without a suffix. The prefix 'de-' generally means 'from, down, away, reverse, opposite', while the base 'fend' comes from the Latin 'fendere', which means 'to strike' or 'to repel'. In this combination, 'defend' carries the meaning 'to repel or protect from something'. When analyzing and combining particular prefixes, bases, and suffixes, it's important to note changes, particularly in the case of palatalization, where the sound [ch] is sometimes spelled with the letter <t>. Additionally, when certain prefixes like 'ad-' are assimilated, they can result in a double letter, such as <ss>. Examples demonstrating these philological principles include words like 'disgestion' where 'dis' and 'gest' connect to form 'digest', with the 't' spelling reflecting the palatalized sound. It is also evident in suffix formations such as 'gallery' combining with 'i + es' to change to 'galleries', with the 'ies' spelling the [ē] sound.