Little Rock and Birmingham
Protests were held following the three bombings in Birmingham,
Alabama in 1963. The events in Birmingham were broadcasted
nationally, and the city received the nickname, "Bombingham."
Alabama Governor George Wallace sent police and state troopers
to break up the protests, killing two more African Americans in the
process. Firehoses were sprayed at protestors, and police dogs
were sent to attack those protesting.
On the federal level, the Kennedy and Johnson administrations
continued the push for civil rights. After John F. Kennedy was
assassinated in 1963, Lyndon Johnson continued where Kennedy left
off. Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended
segregation in the United States. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was
passed, ending the poll tax and literacy test requirements.
Which president passed the
Civil Rights Act of 1964?
A. Dwight D. Eisenhower
B. Harry S. Truman
C. Lyndon B. Johnson