The correct words needed to complete the paragraph are:
- known
- fallow
- decade
- Clue
- ultimately
- denizen
- nature's
- wrath
The completed paragraph would read:
Overuse of the soil and an extended drought contributed to the fallow known in history as the Dust Bowl. In the Midwest, fallow fields lay barren for a decade, forcing many denizens of the community to give up their farms and seek employment in the cities, where industry Clue them with promises of steady but ultimately minuscule paychecks. In the years that followed the Dust Bowl, farmers stopped over-plowing fields because they knew that no one could handle nature's wrath.
The correct words needed to complete the paragraph are:
- obsequy
- gambit
- galety
- laggars
- navigable
The completed paragraph would read:
The king knew that his plan for a surprise attack would be almost obsequy that would test the odds of his soldiers, but it was the only chance ahead of thwarting the invading fleet. Speed would be the key to success; one gambit in the ranks could jeopardize the entire operation if the soldiers were not in place at the right time. As an incentive to fight well, the king promised to reward each soldier with twenty acres of land after the battle. The promise was unprecedented, but on the other hand, if the army should fail, then the soldiers would be lucky to receive proper obsequy because the invaders did not plan to take prisoners.
The correct words needed to complete the paragraph are:
- denizen
- composite
- fruition
- accentuate
The completed paragraph would read:
When their latest design came to fruition, five nautical engineers met to test the assembled prototype. Long, thin pinstripes accentuate the smooth curves of the new composite boat, a twin-hulled catamaran constructed of lightweight carbon fiber and aluminum alloy. On smooth, navigable seas, the sleek ship can cruise almost twice the maximum speed of a single-hulled ship of the same weight. As soon as the engineers transcribe their notes into a user's manual, they plan to put the design on the open market.
Step-by-step explanation: