Which of the following best summarizes Russia’s expansion as an empire under Ivan IV in the sixteenth century?
Answer: Ivan IV used gunpowder weapons in new ways to take over areas he wanted.
An investigation of Russian imperial methods of political control reveals which of the following?
Answer: The tsar was head of the empire and the most powerful, but he had to work with others to achieve political control.
Which of the following best explains why Ivan IV created the oprichnina during his reign?
Answer: Ivan IV was struggling against the boyars and wanted to limit their power.
Which of the following best describes the role the warrior classes played in medieval Japan’s economy?
Answer: Warriors served the shogun throughout the country, which meant they purchased goods throughout Japan.
Which of the following statements best summarizes feudal Japan’s social hierarchy?
Answer: Members of the warrior classes tended to hold more political power in feudal Japan.
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