Here's a simplified ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram for the Ghana Premier League (GPL) database based on the provided requirements:
Team (Attributes: TeamID (Primary Key), Name, City, Coach, CaptainID)
Player (Attributes: PlayerID (Primary Key), Name, Position, Skill Level, TeamID (Foreign Key))
Game (Attributes: GameID (Primary Key), Date, Score, HostTeamID (Foreign Key), GuestTeamID (Foreign Key))
Each Team has Many Players (One-to-Many relationship between Team and Player, TeamID as Foreign Key in Player)
Each Game is Played by Two Teams (One-to-Many relationship between Game and Team for both HostTeam and GuestTeam, with HostTeamID and GuestTeamID as Foreign Keys in Game)
Each Team has One Captain (One-to-One relationship between Team and Player, CaptainID in Team references PlayerID in Player)
TeamID (Primary Key) in Team
PlayerID (Primary Key) in Player
GameID (Primary Key) in Game
This ER diagram represents the relationships between teams, players, and games in the GPL database, satisfying the given requirements. It's a simplified representation, and you can further expand it to include additional attributes or details as needed.
Step-by-step explanation: