The activists were determined to be antifa by a symbol of vandalism they left on the property if you would like to look into that they are also know to do these things because "The atlanta police department doesn't need anymore racist cops" and non-racist being one of there many things they support that is why they did it most likely.
Step-by-step explanation:
A coalition of left-wing activists soon moved into the woods after the decision was announced, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, in a bid to prevent the construction. Other left-wing activists such as antifa members, criminal justice reform activists and other environmentalists have also become involved in the protests, the New York Times reported last week.
Protests at "Cop City" hit a fever pitch back in January, when a state trooper shot and killed an environmental activist named Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, 26, who reportedly went by the name Tortuguita and identified as non-binary. Teran was shot after allegedly refusing demands from authorities and firing a gun at state troopers.