Step-by-step explanation:
It seems that you are referring to a book titled "A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life" by William Law. Here are the answers to your questions based on the context of the book:
A devout man, as defined in the book, is someone who is fully committed to living a life dedicated to God and who strives to maintain a constant awareness of God's presence in their daily life.
Julius is a character in the book who is described as having a strong desire for wealth and social status. His main weakness is his tendency to prioritize worldly success over spiritual growth.
According to the book, the first step in attaining true piety is to develop a sincere desire to please and serve God. This involves a commitment to following God's commandments and living a life that is guided by love, humility, and obedience.
Miranda's highest priority in life, as described in the book, is to cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with God. She believes that all other pursuits in life are secondary to this ultimate goal.
The book does not provide specific details about Miranda's activities. However, it emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities that are aligned with God's will and that contribute to the spiritual growth of oneself and others.