1The Laws of the Twelve Tables was the legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law. Formally promulgated in 449 BC, the Tables consolidated earlier ...
2Looking for a quiz about Rome? Discover 95 questions about Rome including a picture round and a Roman empire quiz round!
3Poorer men were craftsmen, shopkeepers, or farmers. If you had been a poor man in ancient Rome, you would have started the day at first light. Since you could ...
4Boys had more freedom than girls. Boys were more educated than the girls were. Children that were from wealthier families would be educated at home or would be taught by tutors or in the schoolhouse. Poor children would work in and outside of the home so they could learn a trade for the future.
5At that time, social status determined how Roman citizens dressed, the legal privileges they had and even where they sat at public events. While citizens weren't equal under Roman law, non-citizens and slaves were considered beneath even the lowliest citizen.
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