2, 3, 4, 1, 5
You want debts ordered based on the High Rate Method.
High Rate Method
The "High Rate Method" directs you to pay off debt in order of interest rate from highest to lowest.
Here, those rates are ...
- 26.9% — Credit Card 1
- 10.5% — Student Loan
- 8.25% — Credit Card 2
- 4.67% — Vehicle Debt
- 3.44% — Mortgage Debt
Then the order numbers for the debts listed are ...
2. Student Loan
3. Credit Card 2
4. Vehicle Debt
1. Credit Card 1
5. Mortgage Debt
Additional comment
Some advisors suggest you pay off the least amount first. That order would be CC2, CC1, Vehicle, Student Loan, Mortgage.
While the High Rate Method minimizes the total amount of interest paid, the "least first" method offers the psychological advantages of early success and additional resources for paying the larger balances.