Nice, you're on transversals! Now I can overload you with those theorems! >:) I really do hope you're doing homework right now. I'll just give you what I can tell you.
Alternate exterior angles (congruent): <1 and <7, <2 and <8
Vertical angles (congruent) : <3 and <2, <1 and <4, <5 and <7, <6 and <8
Same-side Interior Angles (congruent): <3 and <5, <4 and <6
Supplementary Angles: <1 and <2, <3 and <4, <5 and <6, <7 and <8, <1 and 8, <2 and <7, <2 and <4, etc, I could go on but my fingers are tired.
Corresponding angles (Congruent): 4 and 7, 2 and 6, 1 and 5, 3 and 8
Do let me know if this was a test. I think I'm probably too late by now if it is, so at least I won't get you in trouble. Make sure you don't ask anyone anything that is on an exam or test, you can have some serious consequences. :(