During 2002, the average person ate 220.8 pounds of meat. How much meat does a family of 3 people eat in year?
662.4 pounds
331.2 pounds
217.8 pounds
62.9 pounds
Find the hourly wage: $80 for 9 hours.
Michael's Department Store has a Help Wanted sign posted advertising a position for 18 hours a week at $5.60 per hour. What is the weekly pay?
Find the pay per hour if you earned $120.67 for 16 hours worked.
Cheeseburgers to go has advertised for counter help. If you take the job, you will be working 18 hours a week for $75.20 per week. How much would you make an hour?
An ad on TV claims that 90% of doctors interviewed chose Brady's Aspirin as the leading medicine to cure minor aches. If 30 doctors were interviewed, how many chose Brady's?