Synthetic division
We want to solve the following division:
Using the following division we want to locate the polynomials as shown in the next figure:
We have that the polynomial of the red square is:
we have that its coefficients (the number behind each terms) are:
for x³: 1
for x²: -1
for x: 0
for numbers: -3
for the polynomial of the purple square (x - z) = (x + 1), we have that
x + 1 = x - (-1), then
x - (-1) = x - z
Then z = -1:
The numbers of the answer section are going to be the addition of each column, and they will be multiplied by z = -1, as the following figure shows:
In the answer section we will have the coefficients of the quotient, and the last number is the remainder:
Now, we have the answer
Answer - the quotient is:
x² -2x + 2
and the remainder is: -5