The fractions are: and . Let's take a look at the denominators: 5 and 3. The LCD of 5 and 3 is 15. 5x3=15, 3x5=15. So now we would multiply the denominators to make them the same number like this: and . Remember that if you multiply the denominator by a certain number, you must multiply the numerator by the same number as well. For example, in , we multiply 3 by 5 and 2 by 5. Same number. Now with that out of the way, let's work on the equation: + . We know it is the same as and . So now all we do is add the numerators together: 5+10=15 or . Now we have to reduce the fraction. can be reduced to 3 by dividing 15 by 5=3. The final fraction is or can be simply put as 3 since 3/3 is a whole number. That's it - you're done!
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