1. The right answer is A nerve cell stimulates a muscle cell to contract (it is intercellular communication).
Cellular communication is the set of mechanisms that allow a cell, tissue, and organism to receive, interpret and respond to signals from other cells or its environment.
All cell types have these mechanisms but some have developed them more:
*the nervous system,
* organs of the senses,
* endocrine system,
*immune system.
This allows the body to maintain its homeostasis, its balance, allowing the interaction between these systems.
2. The right answer is the enzyme-linked receptor.
Receptor-enzymes associate on the same protein of the plasma membrane the functions receptor (mediator binding) and effector (enzymatic activity at the origin of intracellular message transduction): these are catalytic receptors. Thus, the receptor itself has enzymatic activity and the fixing of the messenger modulates this activity which may be of several types:
*tyrosine kinase
*tyrosine phosphatase
*receptors with guanylate cyclase activity