For several years, the state of New Hampshire Fish and Game Department earned several thousand dollars each year by auctioning wildlife killed along the Granite State’s roadways. The “road kill,” required to be in relatively good shape, was stored in a large freezer until the annual December auction. During the most recent auction three different collections of species made up the vast majority of frozen wildlife up for bid. Each of those collections made up one- third of the combined total. There was a set of bobcats, foxes and otters. There was a group of beavers and fishers (a weasel like animal). The final third was a large collection of black bears. Beavers made up 16.1% of the overall total. There were as many bobcats as beavers. There were four more foxes than otters. There were 16 fishers. What was the total number of road kill in these three collections, and how many were there of each species? (Hint: one-third equals 33.3%)