Everyone takes life at a different pace. Some people thrive going through life at the speed of life excelling and planning more than they need. Others fly by the seat of their pants making rash decisions or taking things slow for their own personal reasons. Both of these things are good and each has its own fault. This quote, "It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop." has an amazing meaning. It does not matter if you spend go directly to college after high school or wait a year as long as you are doing something. It says to always be doing something to not wait for life to pass you by. Not to wait for the right moment to do something (College, dream job, start dating, open a business, etc.) do it even if the plan takes years of climbing a corporates ladder. Nor does it matter if you get a promotion quick or slow as long as you push forward. It means always push toward your goal no matter if you are quick towards it or taking your time. Taking on your task or goal one step at a time or sprinting towards it like a runner at the finish line. If someone stops pursuing their goal or task they will most likely get stuck. They will be delayed and delayed and wait saying "Tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in the next five years' Life gets in the way sometimes but even if you are moving like a snail it is still moving. Sitting still at a brick wall won't do anything you have to plow through it like never before.
Step-by-step explanation:
Not an essay but here is a start for you :)