Step-by-step explanation:
Since its implementation in 1994, NAFTA has been at the center of the controversy. Critics point out that it affected key sectors of the national industry, such as agriculture in Mexico, more US agricultural products enter. or to cause massive job losses in the maquiladora sector in the US, since many companies now prefer to install their assemblers in Mexico, attracted by cheap labor and the geographical proximity of Mexico, but they are US factories. . They make great profits in Mexico.
The Treaty, due to its size, has generated benefits for the countries but also economic damages in some sectors. According to different analyzes, the level of extreme poverty in Mexico rose rapidly since the implementation of the agreement in 1994, from 16% to 28% only in the first five years. Five million peasants abandoned their lands, raising urban unemployment in Mexico and increasing the migration of peasants to the US, generating political pressures in the US government. and many criticisms of the Mexican government.
The increase in migratory flows responds to various causes, one of which is that Mexico has had problems to maintain economic growth and this, in turn, has not allowed the conditions for the generation of formal jobs to be presented; which results in an increase in the number of people engaged in informal employment. Thus, the difference in Mexican salaries compared to those in the United States. it gets bigger and the interest of Mexicans to go to work in the neighboring country, more frequent.