For one, the united states has a strong history of independent judicial review and the strength of the rule of law. But these powers haven’t protected all citizens’ rights in the united states. The United States currently ranks 47th in the press freedom index, tied with Romania and behind South Africa (42) Botswana (tied at 42) and much of Europe. (22)
One example of a freedom abridged in the United States is in the Patriot Act, which sets up a system of “guilt by association” with any organization that the state would deem to be a terrorist organization, “even if the group has never been designated as a terrorist organization regardless of whether they knew of the designation”.
This is not to mention the thousands of Muslim American citizens that are currently “detained and disappeared in this country” as a result of other aspects of the Patriot act.
The United States also currently practices a form of ad hoc indefinite detention of people in Guantanamo Bay “even if they were acquitted of any crimes by the Military Commissions.”