- A scientific theory is a well-tested concept that explains a wide range of observations.
- Breaks in Earth’s crust where rocks have slipped past each other are called faults.
- A(n) rift valley is a deep valley on land that forms along a divergent boundary.
- The geological theory that states that pieces of Earth’s crust are in constant, slow motion is called plate tectonics.
As for the other questions: hate to be rude, buddy, but you've got the text in front of you. Use that with your prior knowledge to reason this out. I'll give you hints, but you have to come up with the answer yourself. This is your work, not mine. If you don't do it, you learn nothing and only hurt yourself. You have done the classwork, not me. Put it to use.
Hint #1: puzzle pieces; crust pieces
Hint #2: Look at the text you have.
Hint #3: earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunami
Hint #4: continental = thick, oceanic = thin
Hint #5: continental-continental, oceanic-oceanic, continental-oceanic
I hope this helps you out! Have a marvelous day, 'kay?