The algorithm is as follows:
1. Start
2. Display "Input Item Price: "
3. Input Price
4. Markup = Price + 80% * Price
5. Selling_Price = 10% * Markup
6. Display "The Selling Price is "+Selling_Price
7. Stop
Step-by-step explanation:
This signals the beginning of the algorithm
1. Start
This is a prompt that asks for the price of the item
2. Display "Input Item Price: "
This gets the price of the item
3. Input Price
This calculates the Markup (80% of the inputted price)
4. Markup = Price + 80% * Price
This calculates the selling price (10% of the markup)
5. Selling_Price = 10% * Markup
This prints the selling price
6. Display "The Selling Price is "+Selling_Price
This signals the end of the algorithm
7. Stop