Rearrange the equation by subtracting what is to the right of the greater than sign from both sides of the inequality :
Step by step solution :
Equation at the end of step 1 : -1-((0-(2•(x-4)))-5•(4x-7)) > 0 Step 2 :Equation at the end of step 2 : -1-((0-2•(x-4))-5•(4x-7)) > 0 Step 3 :Step 4 :Pulling out like terms : 4.1 Pull out like factors :
22x - 44 = 22 • (x - 2)
Equation at the end of step 4 : 22 • (x - 2) > 0 Step 5 : 5.1 Divide both sides by 22
Solve Basic Inequality : 5.2 Add 2 to both sides
x > 2
Inequality Plot : 5.3 Inequality plot for
22.000 X - 44.000 > 0
One solution was found : x > 2 100% sure