TITLE 1---Of the Mexican Nation, its Territory and Religion
1. The Mexican Nation is forever free and independent of the Spanish government, and every other power.
2. Its Territory consists of that, which was formerly called the viceroyalty of New Spain, that styled the captain generalship of Tucaton, that of the commandant generalship formerly called the Internal Provinces of East and West, and that of Lower and Upper Caliafornia, with the lands annexed, and adjacent lands in both seas. By a constitutional law, a demarcation of the limits of the Federation will be made as soon as circumstances will permit.
3. The Religion of the Mexican Nation, is, and will be perpetually, the Roman Catholic Apostolic. The Nation will protect it by wise and just laws, and prohibit the exercise of any other whatever.
TITLE 2---Form of Government of the Nation, of its integral parts and division of Supreme Power
4. The Mexican Nation adopts for its Government, the form of Republican representative, popular Federal.
5. The parts of this Federation, are the States and Territories as follows: The State of the Chiapas, Chiuahua, Coahuila and Texas, Durango, Guanajuato, Mexico, Michoacan, New Leon, Oajaca, Puebla de los Angeles, Quetaro, Son Luis Potosi, Sinora and Sinaloa, Tobasco, Tumaulipas, Vera Cruz, Xalisco, Yucatan Tacatecas; the Territory of Upper Caliafomia, Lower Caliafomia, Colima and Santa Fe of New Mexico---a constitutional law shall fix the character of Tlaxcala.
6. The supreme power of the Federation will be divided for its exercises, in Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.
TITLE 3. SECTION 1st--Legislative Power, of its nature and the mode of exercising it
7. The legislative power of the Federation, shall be disposed in a General Congress, this to be divided in two houses, one of Deputies (Representatives) and the other of Senators.
SECTION 2nd---Of the House of Representatives.
8. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Representatives elected totally every two years, by the citizens of the States.
9. The qualifications of the electors shall be constitutionally prescribed by the Legislatures of the States; to whom, likewise, appertains the regulation of the elections, in conformity with the principles established by this Constitution
10. The general basis for the appointment of representatives, shall be the population.