Following are the program to this question:
import java.util.*;//for user-input value
public class Project01//Decalring a class Project01
public static void main(String asq[])//main method
int ax1,ax2;//Decalring integer variables
Scanner oscr=new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class Object
System.out.print("Enter the First number: ");//print message
ax1=oscr.nextInt();//input first number
System.out.print("Enter the Second number: ");//print message
ax2=oscr.nextInt();//input second number
System.out.println(ax1+ "+"+ax2+"= "+(ax1+ax2));//use print method to perform the arithmetic operation
System.out.println(ax1+"-"+ax2+"= "+(ax1-ax2));//use print method to perform the arithmetic operation
System.out.println(ax1+"*"+ax2+"= "+(ax1*ax2));//use print method to perform the arithmetic operation
System.out.println(ax1+"/"+ax2+"= "+(ax1/ax2));///use print method to perform the arithmetic operation
System.out.println(ax1+"%"+ax2+"= "+(ax1%ax2));//use print method to perform the arithmetic operation
System.out.println("The average of your two numbers is: "+(ax1+ax2)/2);//calculating average
Please find the attached file.
Step-by-step explanation:
In the program, inside the class "Project01" and the main method two integer variable "ax1,ax2" is declared that uses the scanner class concept for input the value from the user-end, and in the next step, it uses the print method with the arithmetic operation to perform and prints its calculated value.