(The first 5 questions: "Choose the word that defines the word in bold.") 1)a "Inveterate" means having a rooted habit, whcih is "habitual". 2)d "Pensively" means being in deep thought, meditating about an issue: "thoughtfully" is therefore the right word. 3)d "Itinerant" comes from the latin "itinerari", to travel or to journey. 5)a "Banal" is the oppposite of the other choices, since it means a trifle, superficial or simple issue. 6)c "Latitude" in this case means a freedom, space for (re)action, so the only right term is "leeway". 7)c The play which the question is asking about is entitled "Rhinoceros", symbol of the hidden irrational beast inside human beings. 8)a He is honest (explicitly depicted as such), creating problems in a criminal environment; he is not gullible as he is aware of the consequences of his decision, his honesty was what altered the system. 9)c First frost or first ice, in the last stanza the girl's disappointment is explicitly called "first frost". 10)d (Referring to Iskander's Forbidden Fruit)The narrator faithfully abstains himself from eating pork, and is proud about this. 11)True (Referring to Karel Capek's The Last Judgement) This story is a serious "parody" in which God is depicted not as a judge, but as a witness; human justice is therefore still ironically observed. 12)False The Soviet Union forbid him from receiving the reward (although he did initially accept it).