A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s surface which allows hot magma, volcanic ash and gases to escape from the magma chamber below the surface. Volcanic eruptions can cause destruction and consequent disaster in several different ways. One is the volcanic eruption itself, causing harm from the explosion of the volcano or the immediate fall of rock. Then there is lava - molten rock or liquid rock - that may be produced during the eruption of a volcano. As it leaves the volcano, the hot lava destroys any buildings and plants in its path. Third, there is volcanic ash, consisting of fragments of pulverized rock, minerals and volcanic glass, which may form a cloud and settle thickly in nearby locations. When volcanic ash is mixed with water it forms a concrete-like material, and in sufficient quantity, ash may cause roofs to collapse under its weight. Small quantities of volcanic ash will also harm humans if inhaled.
Question is: Which TWO properties of volcanic eruptions are described as having a direct effect on the area surrounding an eruption?
Heat of the explosion
Movement of lava
Falling of rock
Hardened ash
Flying ash