Water is said to exhibit unusual behavior because
Its properties make her be found in the three different states of matter.
Some consequences of her behavior are that it can preserve the same molecules, the molecules change their proximity-dependent on the state they are without breaking their bonds. As well as being able to dissolve and other ionic elements.
Step-by-step explanation:
First of all, water is one of the molecules or substances with more importance on our planet. It can be found almost in any ecosystem and thanks to its nature it can adapt to preserve itself in all of them. One of the most important properties of water is that depending on the environment conditions its molecules will get closer or more separate. Another of its characteristics that the strength in the elements of its molecule will allow it to transform from one state of matter to the other under different temperatures and pressures. And the last characteristic I consider important is that it is the base of many solutions, it is a basic molecule for life substances and organisms making it the base of our planet and ecosystem.