Artistic inspiration:"Enclosure or depiction of some unique or out of this world knowledge into the artistic work is called as the artistic inspiration."
Myth:The concept of having an information regarding some extraterrestrial entities and there presence.But no person really has the clue about there presence in any time,then it becomes a myth. For example: By means of ghost presence and stuff.
Legends:There always some story of valor from time to time, in different generations, as these stories pass down from one generation to the other. While, there are some books or places which are related to such beings, most commonly they are humans or living beings, who are referred to as legends or more over heroes inside a specific culture.
Visual Metaphors:It is the visual depiction of some sort of event, information relating a place or any specific person.
Beliefs: We as human are related to some culture, and from a very little age we study our culture and follow the rules set by our superiors. While going against them is considered a crime or bad omen which is thought to us through time to time, so, our mindset is then made to believe that the right way to live is this way(our culture and religion). And eventually our mind grows in that environment and then we are bounded to believe on the social and cultural norms all of our lives, which leads us to have a more specific belief upon certain things.
Step-by-step explanation:
Concept of Artistic inspiration:
- The concept of artistic inspiration is related more to the soul of the person or we can also say to the sixth sense of that being, or to the connection of a person to some extra terrestrial entities which brings knowledge or we can say unique information to the relating person. While seldom times the artist himself relates his work to some sort of inspiration he gets from a higher source of knowledge.
- So, all the concepts like myth, legends and beliefs etc are also related to some higher source of information present.Just because we human believe in things what we can sense through our sense. And most of the artists depicts myths and legends inside there work.