1.) A nation is a large group of people with common descent, history, culture and/or language, living in one geographical area. From your options, option D is the correct answer option as it defines a nation as a people with a shared history who live in a specific geographic area and are under one government. 2.) The united nations is an international organization of independent states (countries) to promote international peace and cooperation. The United Nations achieves its purpose of promoting international peace and coorporation by providing a platform for nations to discuss global affairs and set goals. Option C is the correct answer option. 3.) A constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established precedents accoding to which a state or other organization is governed. The purpose of a constitution is that it outlines how government should make laws. Laws that goes contrary to the precepts of the constitution are generally declared null and void. Option B is the correct answer option. 4.) A limited government is a type of government in which the powers of the government is restricted by law, usually in a written constitution whereas an unlimited government is a type of government in which there is no limits to the powers of the government. The correct answer option is option A: Law restrict limited government but not unlimited government. 5.) Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. Equality is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. The ability for a person to file a lawsuit whenever he/she feels short changed is a liberty as the treating of people the same irrespective of background, gender or affiliation is reffered to as equality. The correct answer option is option C - Liberty and equality. 6.) The origin of the United States as a set of isolated colonies affected the U.S. political identity it increased the value of self-reliance. This has led to federalism where power is shared between the national government and the state-govenments. 7.) In an unlimited government, there is no limit to the powers of the government. Citizens are no allowed to vote and there are limitations to the citizens'rights. Thus, citizens are excluded from the operation of government which leds to the fewer civic responsibilities characterizing unlimited governments. 8.) Civilty means formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or speech. Of the giving options, discipline is the word that closely relates to civilty. Discipline means orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior. 9.) A unitary system of government is a system of government where all the poers are vested on the central government. The central government is supreme. While a federal system of government is a system of government where power is shared between the central governmnet and smaller regional governments. The major difference between federal system and unitary system of government is that the federal system splits powers, but the unitary system gives most powers to the central government. Option D is the correct answer option. 10.) Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the legistrature make laws, the judiciary interpret laws and the executive is put the laws into action (enforce laws). Thus the main job of the U.S. executive branch is to enforce laws.