1. When should you use the Undo command?
Whenever you want to go back to a certain point in editing, or to correct a mistake or change something on your work.
2. When you close a file, what happens to the Undo History list for that file?
It's erased
3. What is freehand drawing? The freehand drawing tool in Inkscape allows you to draw freely directly on the file area using the mouse or a graphics tablet stylus
4. What are three changes you can make to an object using the Select Tool? It's possible to Scale an object, change its size vertically and/or horizontally. You can also rotate an object selected, and also you can flip a selected object vertically or horizontally.
Step-by-step explanation:
1. The Undo command can be done by pressing Ctrl+z or Shift+Ctrl+Y to undo a change. Or the Undo History can be accessed by pressing Shift+Ctrl+H, and then select how far back you want to Undo.
2. There´s no option to delete the Undo History when a file is opened. The only way to delete the Undo History is by saving the file, closing it and then opening it back again.
3. Some of the freehand drawing tools are the Pencil, Pen, and Calligraphy tools, with them is possible to draw whatever you want on the file canvas.
4. The Select tool can be accessed by:
Selecting the Select tool button in the Toolbox
Pressing s
Pressing F1
There are two modes used to transform objects; scale and shear/rotate objects. To switch between modes, click the current selection or press Shift+S. To resize an object in scale mode, simply drag the arrows located on the cornes. To rotate, simply change the mode and do the same, drag the arrows located on the corners of the selection. To flip an object, simply click on the Flip buttons on the Tool Controls Bar, Selecting Object - Flip horizontal or flip vertical