Which myths and legends are common to many cultures?
A: Creation stories are the myths and legends common to many cultures. They explain how the world, or a single nation, or even a particular human came to life. Also, lost cities, mythical creatures, and sacred objects.
How do historical linguists trace a legend back to its roots?
A: Historical linguists trace a legend back to its roots by tracing its language to a common ancestor.
What are common mythemes in myths and legends?
A: Common mythemes in myths and legends are a supreme being, creation, apocalypse, judgment, life after death, and good vs. evil.
What themes do sacred myths often have in common?
A: The themes that sacred myths often have in common are the theme of right vs. wrong.
What are some of the shared symbols of sacred mythology?
A: Some of the shared symbols of sacred mythology are color, creature, character, and/or a physical object.