By definition it would be true.But if you take into account all the variables in the situation it can be up for debate.
For example, look at this sentence:
Jenny sold $85 dollars worth of apples yesterday." But if you look at her records it says she sold "$85 dollars and 52 cents ($85.52).
now, its not exactly a lie or false that she sold $85 dollars worth of apples (she most definitely did) but the fact is the total amount she made is $85.52. What do you say? Is it true to say she made ONLY $85 dollars? No.
But if you say she made $85 dollars most people would automatically assume there was some change left over.So you could say "Jenny made $85 dollars." It's not false but its not entirely true.
Another example:
"They were selling baseball bats for $99 dollars yesterday."
The baseball bats were on sale for that amount of money but if you add the taxes at the final sale it came up to $100 dollars. Was it a lie that they were selling them for $99 dollars? No. But its also true that you had to pay $100 in total.
One last example:
"Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear." They put that sign on mirrors in cars. Is it false to say there you see a car close behind you in the mirror? No. But is is as close as it appears? No. It really depends on perception.
So is something true if it's not false? It really depends. That's why we have terms like "rounding off" "generalize" "mostly". Thats also why things are subjective to perception and every person can look at the same rainbow and see different colors. There's definitely a rainbow, but is it the same to everyone looking at it? No. Everything is subject to perception. So in answer, if something is not false, is it true? No.
(but if your in trouble with the law just nix everything i said and tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Cops hate it when you get all philosophical on them lol. )
Sorry the answer is so long xD hope it helps!