a 1/z1 = 1/bi
1/z2 = -1/ci
b impedance z = 1/z = [(1/a)² + (-1/ci -1/bi)²]^1/2
circuit in parallel
a for the resistor impedance = 1/z = 1/ a
for the inductor inductance = 1/ bi = 1/xL
for the capacitor capacitance = - 1/ci = 1/xc
the reactances is the INDUCTANCE AND CAPACITANCE
The impedance = 1/z = [ (-1/ci -1/bi)²]^1/2
Since the circuit is parallel impedance z across the pathway is given by
b impedance z = 1/z = [(1/a)² + (-1/ci -1/bi)²]^1/2