B) It gave the public audience the ability to see what officials looked like and see the effects of their actions.
Step-by-step explanation:
The power of conviction that television exerts on voters during an election campaign can become decisive in the triumph or defeat of a particular party or candidate, since for a very large number of citizens it is the only source of information. This mass media supports electoral campaigns, through informative programs and free advertising spaces for political parties.
Thus begins then, a dependence on TV from which virtually no government on the planet can escape. Such is the importance reached by television as a vehicle for the dissemination of ideas, that necessarily the link between public institutions and this medium as an instrument tends to weaken, since the main form of political communication can not, and should not be solely under the control of the power of the state. Private television channels are born as a result of public demand, and public television networks seek information neutrality, which makes them more credible and allows them to enter the ruthless struggle for attraction and attention of viewers.