Alexander Mitchell Palmer was an Attorney General that led a campaign against foreign-born radicals. It was called the Red Scare after an anarchist sent a bomb to his house.
Step-by-step explanation:
First o all Alexander Mitchell Palmer was a lawyer that practiced private labors. But he decided to pursue a career in politics and became part of the congress representatives with the democrat party. After that, he ran for the Senate but didn't make it. Then he served as alien property custodian, during the WWI.
After all of that, he became Attorney General under Woodrow Wilson, in difficult times was the nation faced communists and anarchists. They executed many race riots and labor tensions, leading Mitchell palmer to act against them by creating the General Intelligence unit and recruiting J. Edgar to lead raids against the anarchists. It leads to a fierce fight that provoked them to mail bombs to prominent figures and that lead Mitchell Palmer to give the order to deport them.