conductivity and ductility
Step-by-step explanation:
Metals are connected by crystalline lattices, each atom being surrounded by 8 or 12 other atoms of the same metal element, thus having equal attractions in all directions. In addition, since metal atoms have only 1, 2, or 3 electrons in the last electron layer (and this layer is usually well away from the nucleus, and therefore attracts little electrons); The result is that the electrons escape easily and move freely through the lattice.
This lattice structure and chemical bonding result in a number of properties that are characteristic of metal atoms. Two strong characteristics of metals are the conductivity and ductility that make metals great materials for the production of electrical wires.
- Conductivity: Metals are great conductors of electricity and, because of this property, are widely used in electrical wires. This property is explained by the fact that since metals have a "sea" of free or delocalized electrons, these electrons allow the rapid transition of electricity through the metal. When subjected to an external voltage, these free electrons go to the positive pole of the external source. This movement of electrons is what we call electric current.
- Ductility and Meability: Malleability is the ability to shape metals into thin blades by hammering the heated metal or passing it through rolling cylinders; and ductility is the transformation of wires by passing the metal through holes under heating. These two properties result from the fact that metal atoms can "slip" over each other.