Step-by-step explanation:
- The Hopewell culture designates the Native American culture that developed along the rivers of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States from the 2nd century BC. C. until century V d. C. It succeeds the Adena culture and, like this one, it refers to the peoples of the Mound Builders - mound builders. In its heyday, it comprised the territories that go from the west of New York to the Missouri and from Wisconsin to the Mississippi, including the shores of Lake Ontario.
- The Mississippian culture was a Chalcolithic culture of North America that flourished in the Midwest, East and Southeast of the present United States approximately between the years 800 and 1550. The Mississipian lifestyle was born in the valley of the Mississippi River (of which it takes its name). The cultures of the Tenesi river valley could also begin to develop Mississippian characteristics at this time. Almost all the Mississippian sites predate 1539 (when Hernando de Soto explored the area), and very few artifacts of this culture have been discovered, which indicates that it disappeared almost completely before coming into contact with Europeans.