OK. let's say you have 4 2/5+ 3 4/7. I am going to teach you how to add fractions with whole numbers.
step 1: take the whole numbers, and multiply them by the denominators, the numbers on the bottom of fractions. like this: on 4 2/5. multiply 4, (the whole number), by the denominator. 5 would be on the bottom. 4x5=20. then add the numerator to it. Now we have 22. take 22 as the numerator. put it over your original denominator, which was 5. you have 22/5. Do the same thing to 3 4/7.
step 2: Now you have 22/5 + 25/7. Find a number both of the denominators both multiply into. 5 and seven both go into 35. change 35 to both of the fraction's denominators.
step 3: Now you have 22/35 and 25/35. We know that to make 5 turn into 35, you multiplied it by seven. you also multiplied 7 by 5 to get 35. Now do the same thing to their numerators, the numbers on the top of the fractions. you changed 22/5 to 22/35. 5 times 7 equals 35. Now whatever you do to the denominator, you have to do to the numerator. so, you need to multiply 22 by 7 as well. Now you have 154/35. Do the same thing to 25/35 except multiply 25 by 5.
step 4: Now you have 154/35 + 125/35. If the denominators are the same, keep them the same on your final answer. Just add the numerators at this point. It would be 279/35.
step 5: Now to simplify! All you have to do is divide 279 by 35. 35 goes into 279 seven times with 34 left over. 7 will be the whole number. 34 will be part of the final fraction.
Take 35, our denominator from just a little while ago, keep it their, as the denominator. Since their is 34 left over, that is the numerator. The final answer is 7 34/35.