3.Choose the connective that belongs in the blank in the following sentence.
I like to play baseball. _______, I can't throw a ball very well.
A. For instance
B. Besides
C. In fact
D. However
4. Which of the following sentences has a relative clause?
A. Many young people are searching for jobs.
B. Tony ate the pizza and then went to the movies.
C. The audience applauded the ambassador, who spoke for one-half hour.
D. The bus stopped at the corner, but she forgot to get off.
5. Which one of these statements would be considered inappropriate in formal writing?
A. Dr. Thomson arrives promptly each morning.
B. He reviews the reports of his assistants.
C. Next, he prepares to conduct his experiments.
D. He hates to be late.
6. Which of the following sentences has a compound predicate?
A. She placed the shells in a plastic bag while he dried himself off.
B. She washed the shells and dried them in the sun.
C. She raced along the path to beat him to the beach.
D. While he swam, she collected shells.
7. Sentence (i) has been shortened in sentence (ii) by using a(n) _______.
(i) She likes a location that is in the sun.
(ii) She likes a sunny location.
A. adjective
B. prefix
C. phrase
D. connective
8. Choose the connective that belongs in the blank in the following sentence.
Everyone appeared to be having a good time. _______, my impressions may have been wrong.
A. In other words
B. Of course
C. In fact
D. Furthermore
9. Which sentence contains a prepositional phrase?
A. They sang it, and sang it again.
B. Running all the way, he got there early.
C. They tried, although they didn't expect to win.
D. With the proper help, they'll complete the project early.
10. In which of the following sentences do you find a verb phrase?
A. I shall be all that I am and more.
B. The crowd roared as the bull charged.
C. June was a collector of memorabilia.
D. I believed every word he said.