Answer: Amalgamation is the mixture of cultures, idiosyncracies, ideas, races whereas assimilation is the process of adaptation of the immigrant to the receiving society. The immigrant acquires the new culture and customs of the adoption community then the immigrant is no longer considered an "alien". This topic becomes highly controversial since adapting to a new culture might mean losing the immigrant's religion and culture. Pluralism is a condition or system in which two or more states, groups, theories, sources of authority, etc., live together. The notion of pluralism is important for the coexistence of human beings. When thinking about pluralism is always good to remember the saying: "Live and let live".
1.-One stereotype or prejudice that I heard, when I was surfing the net, is a bit funny. According to an stand up comedian Americans think that Chinese don't drive well. He was telling a joke saying that when you see a traffic jam you notice people honking their horns but Chinese never honk their horns because they are the ones at the top of the line up cars. However, stereotypes can be very damaging because they can make us react unappropriately when we believe in things that are not true. Here it is important to remember Jesus when he said: don't judge and you will not be judged.
2.-In my country there is amalgamation, assimilation and pluralism. I live in Peru and maybe you have heard the latest news many immigrants are coming from Venezuela to Peru and many people show their pluralism and accept them well but there are other people that don't seem to like them. They say that they like the easy things and the are damaging the labor market because they are willing to work for lower salaries. Some Venezuelans have amalgamated into our society, but some others have fallen into delinquency. Some have assimilated into our culture and they even know how to prepare Peruvian food. My personal point of view is Venezuelan must be more than welcome if they work honestly.